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Bishop Nathiel D’Anthony David Wells, a Prophetic voice of God in this hour of the church, a prolific gospel preacher who stirs the hearts of men and women through his straightforward articulation of the Gospel. He is a man of integrity, a leader to leaders. He accepted Christ in his life, January 7, 1973 under the pastoral leadership of Elder B. S. Holland, Bethel Church of God in Christ, Seagoville, Texas.  Bishop Wells has been married 45 years to the love of his life Linda D. Oatman, who affirms and supports his ministry wholeheartedly. From this wholesome

union they have 5 children and 18 grandchildren, (deceased D’Anthony Montreal “Too Quick” Wells), and 3 great-grandchildren (deceased Kyndall Damiya Franklin) who esteem and highly respect their beloved “Pawpaw”. â€‹


​He began ministering in 1974 under the leadership of Pastor B. S. Holland and began working in the evangelism field in 1976. He was ordained as an Elder of the Church of God in Christ in April of 1980.  The Lord called Bishop Wells to the pastoral field in 1980 and he received his pastoral appointment April 1, 1981. The Strong Arms Church of God in Christ was started in the front room of their home and prayer service was held daily by First Lady Linda D. Wells.


Bishop Wells continues to serve as the chief servant leader and the pastor of the Strong Arms Church of God in Christ. His missional objective is to continue to groom men and women as leaders with high moral character and bound to walk in integrity in their Christian faith. He continues to pursue excellence in ministry through God’s wisdom, knowledge and deliverance. The personification of this God man is to teach and preach the Gospel in season and out of season rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 4:2). His heart seeks to please God!


In 1991 he became a Trustee Board Member for the Texas Northeast First Jurisdiction, and on April 5, 1992, he was appointed, Superintendent of the Starlight District Churches, under the auspices of Bishop J. N. Haynes. In 1995 Bishop Wells began his official training and work in the capacity of Assistant Chief of Security for the Churches of God in Christ and continued to instruct in that capacity faithfully until 2013.

In August of 2015, Bishop Wells received an Honorary Doctoral of Ministry degree from the Fellowship Bible Institute in Oklahoma. He continues to seek his educational pursuits.


On November 8, 2015, Bishop Wells was consecrated as a Jurisdictional Bishop over the newly established, Texas Northeast Fourth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction under the auspices of Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr., Presiding Prelate of the Churches of God in Christ, Inc.

Bishop Wells, continues to be a sought-after speaker and mentor to Pastors all over the country. His tenderheartedness and compassion for the people of God is imbedded in the heart of this Shepherd. His heart is exemplified in this passage found in Micah 6:8 “He hath shewed thee, O man what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Bishop Wells endeavors to walk humbly before his God. This servant-leader is truly a man after God’s own heart.

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TNE4 was established in 2015 under the auspices of the Honorable Bishop Nathiel D.D. Wells.


Texas Northeast Fourth...#ThatsMyState



P.O. Box 171294

Dallas, Texas 75217



135 Pemberton Hill Rd.

Dallas, Texas 75217


P: 214-398-9030



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